Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides


Revo Classic Whitesmith Guide

ragnarok whitesmith


The power of zeny...literally!

Whitesmiths are notorious in influencing the game's economy whether you go battle type or not. With the power of zeny, taking down an opponent is a breeze. If you'd like to focus on the business side, you'll be sure to hit the jackpot in no time!

Whitesmith Builds

NOTE: Availability of the items shown may vary per server

Cart Termination Whitesmith

Perhaps the most popular build amongst whitesmiths because of their ability to inflict massively high damage in a short amount of time.

STR: 90-99
AGI: 40-70
VIT: 40-70
DEX: 40-70

cart termination whitesmith skills

Item set 1
cart termination whitesmith ultimate item set 1


Item set 2
cart termination whitesmith ultimate item set 2


Item set 3
cart termination whitesmith ultimate item set 3


Cart Termination WS tips

Pure Forger Whitesmith

Unlike battle builds, pure forgers spend their time crafting or refining weapons. When it comes to leveling though, they get leeched since pure forgers have no combat capabilities. Nonetheless, they are one of the most influencial builds that can affect the entire game economy.

DEX: 99
LUK: 99

pure forger whitesmith skills

Item set 1
ultimate whitesmith forger item set 1


Pure Forger WS tips

Battleforger Whitesmith

The best of both worlds in one build, meet the battle forger! With the release of whitesmiths and an added 20 additional job levels, battle forgers are more versatile than ever

STR: 50~70
AGI: 50~70
ASPD: 180~185
VIT: 30~50
DEX: 70
LUK: 70

battleforger whitesmith skills

Battle set
ultimate item set 1


Forger set
ultimate whitesmith forger item set 1


Battle Forger WS tips

Battle forger success rate
ultimate item set 1
Pure forger success rate
ultimate whitesmith forger item set 1